Nordic trials webinar: How can we avoid research waste and meet ethical standards?
A recent study found that a total of 475 clinical studies completed in Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland, and Sweden between 2016 and 2019 have never published their results in any form.
Several Nordic health groups together with TranspariMED recently released a report based on the study (see here). The report generated very strong media coverage in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Several institutions raised questions about the study's methodology and conclusions.
A coalition of Nordic health groups will present and discuss the report in detail on:
Friday 15 March 2024 at 10:00 CET
Here is the link to the webinar:
This event should be of interest to stakeholders worldwide, not only those in the Nordic countries. This includes research funders, CTU managers, research governance professionals, ethics committee members, and regulatory officials.
Please read the Nordic report and the underlying academic study before you join the event. This collection of transparency tools may also be useful.

Cochrane Norway, the Cochrane People, Health Systems, and Public Health Thematic Group, Cochrane Sweden, Cochrane Denmark, Evidence-Based Research Network, and the Section of Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences are jointly hosting this webinar.
TranspariMED strongly welcomes this independent initiative. TranspariMED is not involved in the design or delivery. of this webinar. TranspariMED stands by the findings of the Nordic Trials report.