New TranspariMED campaign: Stop medical research waste in Germany
TranspariMED has compiled a list of 736 German clinical trials that appear to have never made their results public in any form, in an apparent violation of medical research ethics.
According to registry data, 89,072 patients participated in German university trials that remain completely unreported.
A multi-billion-Euro scandal
Non-reporting of clinical trial results harms patients, undermines public health, and slows down medical progress.
Globally an estimated 81 billion Euros (85 billion dollars) in medical research funding is wasted every year because the research results are not made public.
This summer, TranspariMED will provide the German universities concerned with lists of their apparently unreported trials to give them the opportunity to flag inaccuracies and mistakes.
(The trial data cited above may not be fully accurate because German universities sometimes fail to keep registry entries up to date, and some relevant publications may have been overlooked.)
Getting ready for action
In autumn, TranspariMED will start publicly tracking all unreported German trials, documenting universities’ progress in making missing trial results public.
In parallel, TranspariMED and allied groups will call on German policy makers to stop future research waste.
The UK experience shows that this is a problem that can be fixed.
German patients deserve better, too. Let’s make it happen.
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