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Want to support TranspariMED's work? Here's your chance.

Till Bruckner

Dear readers,

Thank you for cheering on TranspariMED over the past five years.

Many of you have actively been involved in the good fight to end evidence distortion in medicine – by working to improve trial reporting at your university, by conducting cutting-edge meta-research, or by helping to make some noise so that powerful decision makers stop ignoring the problem.

Some of you have gone even further. I’ve lost count of the weeks and weeks of hard work that volunteers from Universities Allied for Essential Medicines in particular have put into the campaign.

In five years of working together, we have achieved a lot:

  • Nearly all major universities in Europe are now reporting drug trial results

  • Trial reporting by U.S. pharma companies and universities is up from 50% to 76%

And most importantly, the UK has become the first country in the world to develop a watertight system that will ensure that every clinical trial is registered and reported.

If this problem can be fixed in the UK, it can be fixed elsewhere too.

And now is the best time to get it fixed – now, while politicians still remember the immense human and financial cost of research waste, and now, while clinical trials are still high on the policy agenda.

If every reader contributes just £8 a month,

we can massively ramp up the campaign,

build powerful coalitions in multiple countries,

strike the iron while it is hot,

and get this problem fixed once and for all.

We don’t need a billionaire donor or fancy offices to solve this problem.

We just need some support from people in the medical research community.

Can you please donate £8 now?

Thank you!

Till Bruckner


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